Taipei City Government has announced that they have launched a biotechnology industry cluster as a build-operate-transfer (BOT) project in the City’s Nangang District. As per the estimation done by the Taipei Department of Economic Development, the biotech industry will create about 3100 jobs and will give an annual output of USD 1.69 billion.
The project is part of the central governments “five plus two” innovative industries plan and the city’s East District Gateway Project. The city government held 11 forums to consult experts on the project before deciding the industrial layout and strategy. The project would complement missing function in the nearby Academia Sinica and National Biotechnology Research Park.
The East District Gateway Project includes plans to make nearby Nangang stationinto an important transportation hub, providing access to science parks in Hsinchu County’s Jhubei City and a link to Neihu Science Park and Nangang Software Park.