Sunday, 30 June 2024

China-based startup Sanyou unveils novel antibody discovery platform

12 June 2023 | News

For a single target, the platform can generate hundreds of lead antibodies with diverse sequences

Sanyou Biopharmaceuticals has launched the "Sanyou Super Trillion Common Light Chain Antibody Discovery Platform".

As one of the nine trillion antibody discovery platforms of Sanyou, the platform features a library capacity of up to 1.12E+12 CFU. For a single target, the platform can generate hundreds of lead antibodies with diverse sequences, which can be further designed into bispecific antibodies with good drug developability, providing a feasible solution for obtaining bispecific antibodies with structures similar to the natural monoclonal antibodies.

Bispecific antibodies are at the forefront of antibody R&D field. Compared with monoclonal antibodies, bispecific antibodies possess one additional antigen binding arm, which brings stronger specificity and better targeting. As of March of 2023, 436 bispecific antibody drug candidates have advanced to clinical trials worldwide, and 10 bispecific antibody drugs had been approved for marketing, with sales of more than $5 billion.

The launch of the platform will provide customers with great assistance in overcoming the difficulties in the R&D of bispecific antibody drugs, reducing the challenges in the development of bispecific antibody drugs, and greatly accelerating the R&D of bispecific antibodies.


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