Sunday, 01 September 2024

'Building a resilient healthcare system for post-COVID world': Expert Opinion

11 September 2020 | Opinion

The crisis of the generation has taught the human population that ‘Good healthcare systems are about nation-building’ and holds equal developmental priority which can proportionally impact the economic status of the nation. Global Healthcare experts have more to share with Biospectrum Asia.

Photo Credit: Biospectrum Asia

Photo Credit: Biospectrum Asia

“The post COVID-19 world will see an influx of information and research to cope with evolving healthcare needs. There will be greater expectations for healthcare knowledge to be aligned with latest evidence-based guidelines to improve patient safety and outcomes. Nurses, who make up majority of the healthcare workforce, need to be equipped with the latest information to provide optimal patient care. Technology will be an enabler for nurses to seek out information and ensure their skills are aligned with the latest requirements. Elsevier has made it conducive through freely accessible platforms such as the Healthcare Hub, which houses the digital toolkits and resources in line with the latest evidence and best practices.”

Robert Nieves, Vice President of Health Informatics, Clinical Solutions, Elsevier, United States


There are three dimensions to the Singapore experience of responding to COVID-19. The first is to have robust healthcare systems, the capacity to extensively and rapidly test, trace, isolate, and treat. The second is social capital: the public must trust government and be compliant to government directives. The third is good governance: Singapore established an inter-agency task force involving all the key line ministries. Most importantly, there was unity in purpose. There were no confusing or contradictory messages and it was free from any political interference.

Professor Tikki Pangestu, Former Director of WHO Research Policy and Visiting Professor, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, Singapore


COVID-19 has really demonstrated just how inadequate the current systems are. I would see resilience in two dimensions. One is the ability to immediately respond to a crisis, an outbreak such as COVID-19 and the second is how to prepare for surge capacity. This is where really data comes right to the forefront because the world cannot tolerate another lockdown of this magnitude. Historians will look back and see the missed opportunities that COVID-19 presented to us and one of the key learnings is around the use of technology and the use of data. Our regulatory frameworks must take into account that a lot of data will be translated into insights that can be applied at a population level and will become valuable intellectual property. We need to address how this IP will be protected as we move towards a personalized healthcare future.

Dr Jeremy Lim, Co-Director of Global Health, National University of Singapore Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health, Singapore


Image Caption: (Left to Right)

Robert Nieves, VP, Elsevier, US
Prof Tikki Pangestu, Former Director of WHO Research Policy, Singapore
Dr Jeremy Lim, Co-Director of Global Health, NUS Singapore

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