Sunday, 30 June 2024

First central oncology laboratory for clinical trials opens in Malaysia

11 August 2022 | News

Hematogenix is a global clinical research central laboratory specialising in oncology/cancer research with accreditations

Image credit: EIN News

Image credit: EIN News

Hematogenix, the first central oncology laboratory for clinical trials in Malaysia has been officiated by the Minister of Health (MOH), Yang Berhormat (YB) Khairy Jamaluddin. Also present were Ms. Lim Bee Vian, Deputy Chief Executive Officer (Investment Development) of Malaysian Investment Development Authority (MIDA), Dr. Akhmal Yusof, Chief Executive Officer of Clinical Research Malaysia (CRM) and Dr. Hytham Al-Masri, President and Chief Executive Officer of Hematogenix.

Hematogenix, a Global Clinical Research Central Laboratory specialising in Oncology/Cancer Research with accreditations from College of American Pathologists (CAP) and Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA), has been in operation globally since 2007 and in Malaysia since June 2021. Hematogenix is headquartered in Chicago, Illinois with three other branches globally, covering the European market in Manchester, United Kingdom, the China market in Shanghai; and the latest market for Asia Pacific is in Cyberjaya, Malaysia.

Since 2012, there were more than RM834 million investments from Clinical Trial Agreements that were reported, contributing to the nation’s Gross National Income. On top of this, more than 2,291 skilled jobs were created in the clinical research industry and about 1,806 sponsored research was approved by the Medical and Research Ethics Committee. In 2021, CRM has achieved its Phase 1 Realisation Project resulting in an established framework, trained regulators, equipped study site, and experienced study team, all in place for First-in-Human trials in Malaysia. With the further establishment of Hematogenix Malaysia, the clinical research support required to facilitate global clinical trials, especially early phase drug development, is now made available within the country.

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