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Etana Biotechnologies Indonesia (Etana), an Indonesian biopharmaceutical startup, has secured B round of financing led by Yunfeng Capital and followed by HighLight Capital. This round of financing will be mainly used for further strengthening the company's pipeline & licensing for new products, teams as well as capacity expansions.
Currently, Etana is focusing on local biopharmaceutical production for mRNA platforms, proteins and monoclonal antibodies.
With the mission to serve patients by providing high quality, affordable, and innovative therapeutics, the company has constructed the state-of-the-art local production facilities that meet international and Indonesian FDA standards. These facilities have the capability to produce biological therapeutics with halal certification from the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI). Etana aspires to be the leading biopharmaceutical company in ASEAN region through aggressive expansion in production capacity and pipelines development, with primary focus on oncology products and vaccines.