Canadian firm GLC Medical (GLCM) Inc is pleased to announce completion of development of the GLCM SARS-CoV-2 Insta-Test, delivering results in under 15 seconds, offering the world the fastest, easiest to use and most cost-effective solution to screen for COVID-19. This point-of-care, graphene-based biosensor will enable the world to regain a sense of freedom and bring ‘normal’ back into our future.
Donna Mandau, President & CEO, GLC Medical, said, "We are pleased to offer our innovative and revolutionary Insta-Test, an urgently needed solution to help us cope with this global pandemic. The successful completion of this development introduces an effective platform for future testing solutions as GLCM's graphene is tailorable and offers a rapid solution to emerging and future strains of SARS and other viral diseases. We look forward to sharing more information in the coming weeks as we enter clinical trials and plan for market deployment.”
The GLCM SARS-CoV-2 Insta-Test is a one-of-a-kind saliva test, eliminating the nasopharyngeal swab and all certified practitioner oversight requirements. It does not require expensive equipment or a lab to process results. GLCM's in-vitro diagnostic device produces a signal when exposed to COVID-19 viral antigens and directly detects the virus in under 15 seconds.
The Insta-Test is an ‘at the door’ technology, perfect for any situation that requires immediate and reliable results managing large groups of people. This screening tool is ideal for people boarding a plane or cruise ship, entering a venue for a concert or sporting event, entry into casinos, schools, theme parks and endless other scenarios.
Dr Leah Coumont, Chief Science Officer, GLC Medical, said, "We are excited to commence clinical human trials with the aim of timely deployment of our device, and even more excited to continue to develop new diagnostic solutions on this groundbreaking testing platform.”
A world-renowned institute of virology has provided validation of the efficacy of the GLCM Insta-Test via pre-clinical assessments. The device will soon enter clinical human trials and using the sensitivity and specificity data that will be generated from these trials along with very detailed laboratory validation, GLCM is working to prepare the necessary regulatory, safety, and manufacturing data for submission to Health Canada, United States' FDA EUA and WHO.