Sunday, 30 June 2024

Sitma finds an answer for servitization

09 July 2019 | News

Sitma finds an answer for servitization: CO-Ware, the cooperative platform for managing software. Sitma Machinery, an Italian manufacturing company which specializes in designing and assembling machines, systems and turn-key solutions for the Packaging, Post-Press, DM/Transpromo and e-Logistics fields, have begun to heavily invest in expanding their know-how in the software sector. This is to develop programs to give customers better control over their manufacturing processes and to let them transform monitoring data into value added solutions for the customers themselves.

Stefano Nanni (  CEO Stima )

Stefano Nanni ( CEO Stima )

8 July 2019 

Innovation, but keeping with tradition, also in software

Since the company’s inception in Spilamberto - Italy, more than fifty years ago, innovation has been one of its most distinguishing features. Sitma has always been very attentive towards software development, something which blends well with the latest trends at Industry 4.0 level, especially in automation. The use of software to collect, process, and bring together big data to manage increasingly smart processes, means that Sitma are at the forefront of the industry. At the same time, Sitma seeks to simplify user interfaces, making them more user-friendly and intuitive. Feedback between machines and operators must be immediate, so that manufacturing becomes more and more nimble and efficient.

 What are we doing at Sitma? “We want to sell ourselves as the best global technology partner for everyone,” says Stefano Nanni, CEO at Sitma. “At a time when services are increasingly more important than the actual product a company makes, we want to offer our customers a complete solution to let them interface with just one person, when they are looking for the best possible advice, installation and after-sales service.” “If this is a target we want to reach,” adding Engineer Nanni, “we have to bring together the mechanical side – which for us at Sitma means absolute reliability and the latest design – with the most efficient software possible. Co-Ware is this solution: a cooperative platform which gives absolutely efficient supervision of automated parts.”


 What does Sitma software do?

There are five basic areas where Sitma software can be used, which are as follows: firstly, we must consider inbound goods to a warehouse, where operation plans are put into force and where the latest software is needed. Secondly: is forecasting and planning, before any supply chains can be designed or started. The “live” reporting of data and the generation of various reports, through a fast and powerful software is required, especially in manufacturing, is the third key component. Fourthly, it is vital that all this data is properly analyzed, allowing current processes to be optimized. Last but not least, is carrying out diagnostics and planned maintenance, generating significant great savings in terms of time and investments for our customers.


Sitma’s three S’s: Software, Servitization, and Simplification.

The software architecture designed by Sitma is an extremely useful tool in aiding companies gauge how their resources are allocated. It can also be used to help organize the overall logistics of all in internal supplies or products throughout manufacturing,  from start to finish. And finally, it can be used to manage individual workstations and systems.  Sitma’s advanced software may be used everywhere in the e-Logistics sector, as in all of its main pillars, including door-to-door and packaging. In packaging, Sitma has recently finished designing the most up-to-date version of its operator panel. This optimizes even further the operator/machine interface, something so vital to Industry 4.0. Becoming more and more intuitive and user-friendly, the system must provide access to the most advanced operating functionalities, such as machine fault-finding and the re-ordering of spare parts. Here the added value is the ability to create a tool that can solve complicated problems in the easiest way possible.


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