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US-based startup Opteev Technologies, Inc. has developed an affordable breath analyser, ViraWarn, that detects COVID-19, influenza, and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) in less than 60 seconds. The device, which is multiple-use and rechargeable, has been submitted to the US FDA for review as a new easy-to-use and convenient way to self-test for COVID-19 and other respiratory illnesses.
The submission to the US FDA was based on early data from on-going clinical trials. ViraWarn uses a silk-based biosensor that attracts the electrical discharge of respiratory viruses coupled with an artificial intelligence processor to filter out any potential inaccuracies. Extremely user-friendly, users simply turn it on, blow twice into the mouthpiece, and an LED notification light will indicate a positive or negative result in under 60 seconds.
ViraWarn is reusable and comes with multiple biosensor replacement cartridges that only require being replaced after a positive result or after a period of 2 – 3 weeks of daily usage.