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Jawline muscle injections are also known as 'TMJ' (temporomandibular joint) Botox or Botox of the masseter muscles. These injections are often recommended for those who have a TMJ disorder, most commonly teeth grinding, migraine headaches and jaw clenching. Botox is injected to relieve tension in the muscles responsible for these actions.
Even with proven medical benefits, jawline injections for cosmetic reasons are on the rise. This trend can be explained by the recent focus on well-defined jawlines. You can clearly see the trend taking off on social media platforms like TikTok where numerous people have used various interventions to enhance how their jaw looks.
Other procedures that do the same include chin augmentation and submental liposuction. However, the popularity of non-invasive procedures like Botox injections is on the rise, especially among younger people.
The masseter muscles are the muscles that make chewing possible. They are located on both sides of the jaw where the jaw hinges as you open and close your mouth. There are three main reasons why these muscles can become enlarged: jaw clenching, teeth grinding and genetics.
Teeth grinding and jaw clenching work these muscles hard and because they are just muscles, the increase in activity causes them to enlarge. Genetics play a part in the enlargement too because there are lots of people who are born with enlarged masseter muscles.
Botox works by blocking the transmission of information to a muscle. With the information no longer reaching these muscles, they do not squeeze. The Botox (Botulinum toxin) is injected where the jaw hinges, which is just below both ears. Most doctors start with three injections per side, although the number of injections can be increased as needed.
If done right, the Botox injections should not impact the use of the jaw. You should be able to smile, eat and chew just fine, although the Botox will stop the grinding and clenching as well as relieve any pain you have, too.
If you are worried about getting Botox, there are a few things you could try. One of the most common interventions is a mouthguard. A mouthguard is just one of the dental blocks used to stop the teeth from coming together which helps relieve the effects of grinding and clenching.
Another option is a facelift. This skin-tightening facial surgery helps tighten the jawline and the neck. As you can see from these before & after images about facelift surgery, the procedure causes some tightening around the jawline giving you great results.
Incidences of teeth grinding and jaw clenching have increased dramatically because people are under a lot of stress. Jawline injections can help with both, helping relieve pain and headaches in the process.