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Eli Lilly & HPL launch once-a-week T2D drug in Bangladesh

10 August 2020 | News

Trulicity™ is the first once-weekly, injectable medication designed to improve blood sugar control in adults with Type 2 diabetes

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Bangladesh based Healthcare Pharmaceuticals Ltd. (HPL) and Eli Lilly & Company recently announced the launch of Trulicity™ (dulaglutide) in Bangladesh.

Trulicity™ is the first once-weekly, injectable medication designed to improve blood sugar control in adults with Type 2 diabetes. It offers patient benefits beyond glycemic control and the convenience associated with a once-weekly dose. Studies done on Trulicity™ have established its cardiovascular safety and weight reduction potential.

Trulicity™ comes in an easy to use, a single-dose pen that does not require mixing or measuring and can be administered at any time of the day, independent of meals. It is available in 0.75 mg and 1.5 mg doses. Special care has been taken in concealing the injector needle to address the fear of needles that some patients have. Trulicity™ is part of a class of drugs known as a glucagon-like peptide (GLP-1) receptor agonists. 

It is not insulin and mimics the effects of GLP-1, a natural hormone that helps keep blood sugar levels normal, by helping the body release its own insulin after food intake. Trulicity™ is a prescription drug that should be taken only on advice from a registered MD (Internal Medicine) and Endocrinologist. When prescribed, it should be used as an adjunct to diet and exercise.

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