Sunday, 30 June 2024

Taiwan's medtech startup Flat Medical secures funding for global market expansion

03 October 2023 | News

Strategically positioned to accelerate growth and expand presence in key markets across the United States, Europe, and the Asia-Pacific region

Flat Medical, a Taiwan-based medtech company specialising in innovative safety solutions for anesthesia, pain medicine, critical care and emergency medicine, has recently announced the successful closing of its Series C funding round.

The round was led by renowned investor Taiwania Capital, with significant participation from ITIC (Industrial Technology Investment Corporation), Fidelitas Corporation, and several individual investors. With this recent infusion of capital, Flat Medical is now strategically positioned to accelerate its growth and expand its presence in key markets across the United States, Europe, and the Asia-Pacific region (APAC).

EpiFaith and EpiFaith CV, the flagship products of Flat Medical, have revolutionised safety measures for epidural and central line procedures, earning widespread acclaim from medical professionals and healthcare institutions globally. By integrating cutting-edge technology and a patient-centric approach, Flat Medical's solutions have significantly reduced complications and enhanced patient outcomes in critical medical procedures.

The successful closing of the Series C funding round speaks volumes about the investors' confidence in Flat Medical's business model and the promising potential of its innovative product offerings. The funding will be directed towards fueling expansion initiatives and further research and development efforts.

Flat Medical's expansion plan entails intensifying efforts to enter key markets in the United States, Europe, and APAC, where there is a growing demand for advanced medical solutions that prioritise patient safety.

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