EnGeneIC, an Australia-based clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company pioneering the development of a First-in-Class targeted nanocell for cancer therapy, has announced strategic partnerships with Singapore Institute of Advanced Medicine Holdings (SAM) and Singapore Medical Incorporation (SMI).
The partnerships will bring significant new funding to allow EnGeneIC to immediately progress its clinical trial programmes in Australia and the US. Further, the agreements aim to accelerate the clinical development, manufacture and commercialisation of EnGeneIC’s proprietary technology, EnGeneIC Dream Vector (EDV) for cancer treatment across Asia.
The commercial deal will provide exclusive rights to SAM for sales of EDV therapeutics in Asia and net profits will be shared between the two companies with EnGeneIC receiving a majority.
In addition, EnGeneIC and SAM will collaborate on the development of EDV-based theranostics. Theranostics combine therapeutic and diagnostic capabilities to improve cancer treatment outcomes. By integrating imaging and treatment into a single platform, EDV-based theranostics have the potential to provide precise, personalised care, enabling early detection and targeted therapy.
A signatory to the partnership is the Singapore based diversified property, technology and hotel entity Crescendas Group (Singapore Medical Incorporation Pte Ltd) which has committed to providing funds for the capital expenditure requirements needed to complete the next phase of clinical tests to secure Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval in the US. Crescendas operates in Singapore, Malaysia, China and the Maldives and is owned by the prominent Singaporean businessman Lawrence Leow who is also a former nominated member of the Singapore parliament.