The Marcus Evans' Pharma Forum: Sales & Marketing Innovation is back by demand once again celebrating innovators, leaders and business winners in Asia's pharmaceutical market and transforming drug portfolios with digital and commercial excellence profit engines.
Date: 12-13 November 2018
Venue: Singapore
This year the event focuses on the positive impacts of digital convergence in the APAC pharma market as the healthcare players have identified vast opportunities to compete and maximize their sales and marketing efforts in this region.
The forum tackles the following key topics (among others) based on industry issues and challenges with an exclusive panel of pharma business leaders providing learning & practical intelligence with strategies, solutions and innovations:
Jeppe Theisen- the Marketing Vice President (VP) of Novo Nordisk chairs the forum along with expert speakers and facilitators such as Renaat Janssen- the Executive VP APAC of Alvogen, Rozi Osman- Immediate Past GM, Group Halal & Government Relations Chemical Company of Malaysia Berhad, Telea Herpin- the Business Unit Manager of AbbVie, Mark Tennyson- the Executive Director, Regional Head Value, Access & Policy APAC of Amgen, Allan Marx Ancheta- the Business Unit Director Diversified Brands of Merck and Deni Y Martin- the Country Manager Ferring Pharmaceuticals to name a few.
The panel discussion encompasses overcoming challenges and creating new horizons in drug market regulations in ASEAN given the tight regulation and requirements in the region.
Jeppe Theisen is moderating the session that discusses specific guidelines that are enforced and practiced in various countries, different approaches taken by the pharma leaders in integrating innovative intelligence into achieving profitability in their businesses. The session also sees Renaat Janssen, Allan Marx, Deni Y Martin as panelist sharing their best practices in the given topic.