Sunday, 30 June 2024

Digital health panel developer Verisense appoints new engineering manager in Malaysia

18 January 2024 | News

Chong Toh Ying has 16+ years’ experience managing large datasets

US-based Verisense Health, Inc., a digital health software and data company, has announced the appointment of Chong Toh Ying as its new Engineering Manager in Malaysia.

Prior to joining Verisense Health, Chong was Software Engineering Manager - Data & Analytics at Inspectorio, an artificial intelligence (AI)-powered, software-as-a-service solution that helps organisations around the world to improve supply chain efficiency, sustainability, and performance.

In addition to managing two engineering teams at Inspectorio and ensuring that they produced high quality results, Chong established career tracks to enable his teams’ professional development and growth within the organisation.

Verisense Health was founded in January 2023 as a spin-off from global wearable technology provider Shimmer Research. Verisense Health developed its Digital Health Panel (DHP) to enable sponsors to collect raw wearable sensor data combined with other digital health technology data and patient reported outcomes data at a lower cost and more efficiently than traditional methods.


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