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Icon Group and Sunsuria Healthcare partner to elevate cancer care services in Malaysia

14 September 2023 | News

Icon Group and Sunsuria Healthcare sign MoU to establish cancer centers across Malaysia through strategic partnerships with local healthcare operators.

Icon Group has joined with Sunsuria Healthcare in a new joint venture partnership and signs a MoU which allows Icon Sunsuria to establish cancer centres across Malaysia through strategic partnerships with local healthcare operators. 

Icon Sunsuria Sdn Bhd, aims to provide world-leading cancer care services and help narrow the gap in access to care in Malaysia. Icon Sunsuria will enhance existing medical services with specialised cancer expertise, enabling patients to access comprehensive cancer care and cutting-edge treatments.

The Minister of Health Malaysia, YB Dr. Zaliha Mustafa, and Trade and Investment Commissioner to Malaysia at the Australian Trade and Investment Commission (AUSTRADE), Melanie Harris, and Dr Steven Barraclough, Visiting Senior Government Official at the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade witnessed the signing with YB Dr. Zaliha Mustafa and highlighted that the event will complemented the Malaysian National Strategic Plan for Cancer Control Program 2021-2025.

“In addition to improving the health of cancer survivors from diagnosis through to treatment, we welcome future-facing solutions that align with our strategic goals to address the country’s cancer research needs and strengthen our medical pool of talent,” said YB Dr. Zaliha Mustafa.

Icon CEO, ASEAN and Hong Kong Serena Wee reinforced the region’s importance and the strength of the partnership. Ms Wee added, “Since 2022, Malaysia has been our focus for ASEAN expansion and we’ve found an ideal partner in Sunsuria Healthcare, as we strive to push the boundaries of cancer care in Malaysia.

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