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Malaysia conducts community health screening programme

15 January 2019 | News

During the event, attendees were offered free screening of blood sugar level, blood pressure, BMI and heart-related problems.

A community health screening event was recently held in Pandamaran, Malaysia as part of the Peduli Sihat scheme by the Selangor government and in collaboration with, Malaysia's first telehealth service provider. The programme was aimed to promote awareness amongst the community about the importance of keeping their health in check.

During the event, attendees were offered free screening of blood sugar level, blood pressure, BMI and heart-related problems. Attendees also had the option to consult with the on-site doctors or online via DoctorOnCall's platform.

Pandamaran State Assemblyman, YB Tuan Tony Leong Tuck Chee also participated in the event, as he was very keen in promoting health awareness and benefits of Peduli Sihat programme among his constituents.

This arrangement was in line with the motive to provide the best medical access from Selangor government through the Peduli Sihat scheme initiative headed by The Selangor Health, Welfare, Women and Family Affairs Committee Chairman, Y.B. Dr. Siti Mariah Binti Mahmud.

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