Sunday, 30 June 2024

CPHI Japan 2024 to see more than 20% year-on-year rise

12 March 2024 | News

Tides conference will explore Japan’s expanding role in the development of Next Generation Cyclic Peptide Drug Discovery

CPHI Japan 2024, being held from 17 to19 April, will see a 20+% year-on-year rise, with a record attendance of an expected 20,000 attendees as the country undergoes a post pandemic boom in pharma, with biologics and tides manufacturing expected to grow quickly.

The event is widely seen as a barometer of overall health in the country’s pharma industry and in light of significant R&D growth. Tides will collaborate with CPHI Japan to introduce a free conference. The increased interest is attributed to a proactive regulatory framework and the country’s strong base of peptide and oligonucleotide chemistry and synthesis. Prof Hiroaki Suga of the University of Tokyo will present his predictions on the potential of mRNA and peptides at the event.

The new Tides conference explores the country’s expanding role in the development of ‘Next Generation Cyclic Peptide Drug Discovery’. These are among the most diverse architectures for current drug discovery efforts, and are modulating some of the most challenging targets, including protein–protein interactions and those considered to be ‘undruggable’.

In a further boon to attendees, Kiyoto Nakai, Director of the Drug Evaluation and Control Division at the Pharmaceutical Affairs Bureau of the Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare, will provide a keynote address on recent regulatory changes. Additionally, the Japan Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association (JPMA) will outline the implications for Japanese manufactures of recent updates ICH Quality Guidelines.

In addition to the keynote speeches and over 200 seminars, CPHI Japan will span the entire pharmaceutical supply chain as country’s largest pharma exhibition, with more than 680 exhibitors across five dedicated zones (Ingredients, Outsourcing, biopharma, Machinery & Equipment, and DDS & Packaging). In total some 50+ countries will be represented with dedicated pavilions for China, Korea, Italy as well as for the Japan Pavilion by Japan Bulk Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Association (JBPMA), and the Japan Pharmaceutical Excipients Council Pavilion.


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