Sunday, 30 June 2024

Japanese startup Jolly Good and Harvard University collaborate on medical VR content

24 March 2023 | News

Dr Kei Ouchi, Associate Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School, appointed as Jolly Good Medical Advisor

image credit- prnewswire

image credit- prnewswire

Japan-based startup Jolly Good in collaboration with Brigham and Women's Hospital, a hospital affiliated with Harvard University, develops emergency care virtual reality (VR) content. At the same time, Dr Kei Ouchi, Associate Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School, will become a medical advisor to Jolly Good and Jolly Good begins full-scale entry into the US medical market. 

In the future, Jolly Good will develop live-action medical VR in various medical departments under the guidance and supervision of medical advisor Dr Kei Ouchi and will collaborate with him to verify the educational effects.

The size of the medical augmented reality (AR)/VR market is expanding every year and is expected to reach 3.9 trillion yen by 2027. The four main categories are medical education, treatment, diagnosis, and rehabilitation.

In the United States, VR technology is implemented in medical education, but most of the VR content is produced using computer graphics, which not only lacks reality, but also requires an enormous amount of time and cost to produce. This makes it difficult to respond to rapidly evolving medical technology and diverse educational needs.

Jolly Good's medical VR solution enables medical professionals to create their own live-action 360-degree VR images and attracts attention because it provides a more realistic experience than computer graphics and enables mass production of a wide variety of educational content.

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