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Japanese life science research market secures Protein Footprinting Products

17 May 2022 | News

GenNext Technologies introduces Protein Footprinting Products to Japan through Kiko Tech Co., LTD

Caption: The Flash Oxidation (Fox™) System for HRPF analysis

Caption: The Flash Oxidation (Fox™) System for HRPF analysis

GenNext Technologies, Inc. (GenNext), in partnership with Kiko Tech Co., Ltd., will provide Flash Oxidation (Fox™) Protein Footprinting Systems to the Japanese life science research market.

GenNext introduced Fox-Based HRPF to the market as a disruptive, intrinsically scalable approach to protein Higher Order Structure (HOS) analysis to increase the effectiveness and minimize adverse drug reactions of biopharmaceuticals. 

A GenNext HRPF study can address scientific questions that previously required difficult, expensive, and time-consuming hydrogen-deuterium exchange, nuclear magnetic resonance, X-ray crystallography or cryo-electron microscopy experiments. Alternatively, researchers would have to combine multiple techniques such as circular dichroism spectroscopy, size-exclusion chromatography, and light-scattering analysis to generate less informative results than by conducting a single series of GenNext HRPF experiments.

Scot R. Weinberger, CEO and Founder of GenNext said, "We anticipate that Japanese biopharmaceutical researchers will be receptive to and adopt HRPF as a new standard to elucidate HOS, and we have found the perfect partner in Kiko Tech who are already active in this area."

"GenNext’s products move HOS beyond the limitations inherent in current techniques, enabling our customers to discover and develop biopharmaceuticals faster and with higher quality. Kiko Tech is excited to bring GenNext products to the Japanese life science community", said Shigenobu Fukushima, General Manager of Kiko Tech.

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