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India's vast population now has access to the Australian developed anti-COVID nasal spray Viraleze™ following its registration in the country.
Developed by biopharmaceutical company Starpharma, Viraleze™ has shown to inactivate a broad-spectrum of respiratory viruses, including more than 99.9% of coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes COVID-19). The product can be applied either before or after exposure and can be used in high-risk or crowded environments up to four times a day.
Importantly for a largely rural population like India's, the spray can be stored at room temperature and does not require cold storage or specialised transportation.
Indian consumers can purchase the spray from and Starpharma's discussions with commercial partners in India for distribution into both the private (consumer) and Government markets are well advanced.
Viraleze™ first launched in the UK at LloydsPharmacy in March and was the biggest selling product ever at It launched in Europe in early May.