Five-day AgTech Global Summit 2012 to be held in Aurangabad, India, from December 09-13, 2012
Mumbai: Bejo Sheetal Bio-Science Foundation, India, and Maryland India Business Round Table in collaboration with Michigan State University, US, and Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri, India, are organizing a five-day AgTech Global Summit 2012 in Aurangabad from December 09-13, 2012.
The summit will see several eminent global crop scientists coming together to discuss aspects of crop breeding, genomics, application of biotech tools, regulatory aspects, need of public-private partnership and management for sustainability of agriculture.
The theme of the summit will be to integrate the opportunities and challenges, to discuss the strategic approaches to be deployed for sustainable agriculture development, to meet the demands of food and nutrition security needed by 2025 with special reference to vegetables.
The high level gathering will also see convergence of accomplished scientists, technology developers, policy makers and entrepreneurs, focussing on the development of the food crop and vegetable agribiotech sector.
Some of the prominent names that will be present at the summit, include Professor Malcolm Elliott, founding director, Norman Borlaug Institute for Global Food Security, and editor and chief, Agriculture and Food Security; Dr N K Krishna Kumar, deputy director general, horticulture, ICAR, India; Dr Martin B Dickman, professor and director, Institute for Plant Genomics and Biotechnology, US; Dr Peter Hanson, plant breeder and global theme leader-breeding, AVRDC, World Vegetable Center, Taiwan, among many others.