Singapore: Tianyin Pharmaceutical (TPI), a pharmaceutical company that specializes in patented biopharmaceutical medicine, modernized traditional Chinese medicine (mTCM), branded generics and active pharmaceutical ingredients (API) today provided further updates on the business development of TPI's flagship product, Gingko Mihuan Oral Liquid or GMOL (H20013079).
GMOL, which is a prescription medicine, is used by physicians for cardiovascular diseases such as stroke, coronary heart diseases, and angina among others. GMOL was recently awarded essential drug list (EDL) status in the city of Chongqing. Chongqing has a population over 30 million and is located in southwest China. Its municipality falls directly under the jurisdiction of the Chinese Government along with other major cities including Beijing, Tianjin and Shanghai. It is regarded one of the most attractive markets in pharmaceutical sales in China.
In April, TPI has announced the inclusion of GMOL as a provincial supplementary essential drug listed (EDL) product in both Henan and Shandong provinces (with combined population of approximately 200 million), which granted GMOL a full insurance coverage (100 percent government reimbursement) for patients.
GMOL contributes approximately 50 percent of TPI's core product portfolio that consists of GMOL, apu shuangxin granules (Apu), azithromycin tablets (Azi), xuelian chongcao (XLCC) and qingre jiedu oral liquid (QR) and approximately 30 percent of TPI's total revenue.
Under the ongoing healthcare reform policy that favors the sale of products that are listed in the EDL of China, the national and provincial EDL listing could substantiate the market development of these products.