Sunday, 30 June 2024

Inocras, AstraZeneca strengthen genetic testing services in Hong Kong and Macau

07 May 2024 | News

Free testing for eligible patients diagnosed with breast, ovarian, prostate and pancreatic cancer

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Inocras Hong Kong, a subsidiary of Inocras Inc., headquartered in San Diego, USA (formerly Genome Insight, Inc.), a pioneer in whole-genome sequencing and analysis services for cancer and rare diseases, has announced the launch of the HRDetect programme, which provides free BRCA or HRD genetic testing to eligible cancer patients in Hong Kong and Macau.

This initiative is taking place in partnership with the Cancer Information Network Charitable Foundation (CICF) and with the generous sponsorship of AstraZeneca Hong Kong.

The programme will provide BRCA or HRD testing to eligible patients diagnosed with breast, ovarian, prostate and pancreatic cancer. Eligible patients also receive free pre- or post-test genetic counseling. With this programme, individuals diagnosed with cancer have access to advanced precision medicine and personalised care.

The collaboration between Inocras, CICF and AstraZeneca Hong Kong represents a major step forward for cancer patients in the region in terms of access to advanced genetic testing and precision medicine. By leveraging Inocras' innovative testing services and comprehensive genetic analysis, patients can make informed treatment decisions and see potential benefits for their overall health.

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