Sunday, 30 June 2024

MGI unveils expansion of automation product lines for life science and healthcare research

31 January 2024 | News

Empowering researchers for data-driven decision-making and contributing to societal advancement through continuous innovation

MGI Tech Co., a China-based provider of cutting-edge tools and technology for life science and healthcare research, has announced a strategic expansion of its automation product lines. This expansion covers sample pre-treatment, sample preparation and integrated testing, leveraging its innovative technologies and expertise in genetic sequencing and multi-omics.

MGI's automation product lines aim to address the growing demand for high-throughput, efficient and reliable solutions in precision medicine, precision agriculture, precision healthcare and related industries.

MGI's sample pre-treatment solutions will now cover a broader spectrum of samples and assays, including sample collection and extraction. The focus is on enabling fast and accurate DNA/RNA extraction, a pivotal step for downstream analysis.

Sample preparation products include the High-throughput Automated Sample Preparation System MGISP-960, the Automated Sample Preparation System MGISP-100, and the upgraded MGISP-Smart 8 system featuring ProcessGo software for improved integration and user-friendly features, and the revolutionary automated lab-on-a-chip system DNBeLab-D4 system. 

The integrated testing system feature the MGIFLP-L50 system, a modular sequencing workstation integrating the entire sequencing workflow into one machine. This fully automated solution supports diverse research and applications in microbiology, reproductive health and more.

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