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China's Asieris Pharmaceuticals, a global biopharma company specializing in discovering and developing innovative drugs for the treatment of genitourinary tumors and other related diseases, has announced that Dr Badrinath Konety has joined Asieris' Scientific Advisory Board as an advisor.
Dr Konety has more than 30 years of clinical research and medical practice experience in the field of genitourinary oncology. He is currently President of Allina Health Cancer Institute and Chief System Research Officer. He is also a professor in the Department of Urology, Rush Medical College. Before that, he had served as Professor and Dougherty Family Chair in Uro-Oncology, and Chairman, Department of Urology, University of Minnesota. His clinical and hospital roles have seen him serve as CEO for University of Minnesota Physicians and Dean of Rush Medical College. Dr. Konety has held several leading positions and offices in professional organizations such as the Presidents of Society of Academic Urologists and Société Internationale d'Urologie.
He has been an author and/or co-author of more than 300 publications and on the editorial board of several journals. He has served as Associate editor of Journal of Urology.