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GenieBiome (G-NiiB), a biotechnology spin-off of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), announces the launch of G-NiiB Immunity + in Singapore.
This novel microbiome formula (SIM01) contains a unique combination of beneficial bacteria clinically proven to promote recovery in patients with novel virus infections by hastening antibody formation and reducing blood pro-inflammatory markers. Backed by over a decade of scientific research and powered by AI technology, the unique microbiome immunity formula is tailored for Asian body constitutions to restore the gut’s microbiota, which is key to regulating immune systems against infections.
“Good bacteria is essential for a balanced gut microbiota as it colonises the human gut so that unhealthy bacteria does not have space to grow. Combining big data with proprietary AI technology, we are able to select ideal naturally occurring live bacteria. Using patented microencapsulated technology to freeze-dry and enhance live bacterial survival, our formula ensures the best ratio of live good bacteria and prebiotics for balanced gut microbiota,'' said Professor Francis KL CHAN, Dean of Medicine and Director of the Centre for Gut Microbiota Research at CUHK.
70 percent of the immune system is located in the gut. And those who suffer from gut microbiota imbalance, known as gut dysbiosis, have been shown to be more susceptible to novel viral infections and complications. A clinical study by CUHK involving 55 Covid-19 patients revealed that 100% of novel virus patients who received the microbiome immunity formula had complete symptom resolution, reduced proinflammatory markers, increased favourable gut bacteria, and neutralising antibodies, compared to 52% of patients who did not have the formula.
In addition to combating gut dysbiosis and speeding up the recovery of Covid-19 patients, G-NiiB Immunity + is also rich in “bifidobacterium adolescentis”, which is is a major contributing factor in the maintenance of microbial balance, and the strengthening of gut barrier integrity.