Monday, 01 July 2024

China added to myMEDholiday's top medical destinations list

19 July 2013 | News | By BioSpectrum Bureau

China is poised to become a popular location for medical travelers due to its low healthcare costs, high-quality clinics and hospitals, and mix of modern and traditional medicine.

China is poised to become a popular location for medical travelers due to its low healthcare costs, high-quality clinics and hospitals, and mix of modern and traditional medicine.

Singapore: is a leading medical tourism portal that provides extensive information about the medical tourism industry, including a catalog of certified healthcare providers in top medical-travel destinations in hotspots like Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, India, South Korea, and now China, which is poised to become a popular location for medical travelers due to its low healthcare costs, high-quality clinics and hospitals, and mix of modern and traditional medicine.

According to the medical research department at myMEDholiday, "The Chinese healthcare system has made huge strides, and now features numerous internationally-accredited hospitals, English-speaking doctors, modern clinics practicing various specialties, and a lead position in Asia's thriving stem-cell research community, so with so much to offer international patients we felt it was a perfect fit for our site."

Each country's "destinations" page features comprehensive information about its healthcare system, offers tips as to why it is a quality location for medical tourism, and contains in-depth profiles of its healthcare providers. The providers listed for each destination are certified and current with the latest in medical technology, and have met myMEDholiday's exacting membership standards.

myMEDholiday's medical research spokesperson said, "Not only does China have the potential to attract medical travelers with its range of quality and affordable providers, which includes those practicing traditional Chinese medicine, but it is an absolute vacation paradise, which is an integral part of the medical tourism experience. Due to these factors and its continued economic progress, we believe China have a potential to become a major player down the road."

In addition to the profiles of a broad array of facilities - everything from oncology clinics to holistic/alternative centers, and from cosmetic/plastic surgery clinics to heart hospitals - features an interactive tool which allows patients who are planning medical treatment abroad to contact facilities directly; a search engine which returns results according to particular criteria like whether a facility has international accreditation; and a medical-tourism blog that is current with all the latest industry trends.

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