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A team at Swansea University Medical School has developed a technology that enables the secure storage and sharing of large scale data for research. This technology is all set to revolutionise healthcare in Australia.
The Helix platform, based at Monash University in Victoria, Australia, will provide approved researchers with ground breaking access to complex sets of healthcare data with the vision of improving the care provided by health practitioners to patients.
Helix uses Swansea University's Health Informatics Group's world-leading secure data infrastructure - Secure eResearch Platform (SeRP). It is a high powered, safe and secure e-research platform that allows data owners and researchers to store, access, share, link and analyse data at scale, in a fully governed highly secure environment, whilst maintaining full control of the data at all times.
The Helix platform will utilise data from hundreds of clinical trials, medical and population health studies and patient registries to offer approved researchers ground-breaking access to complex healthcare data to better understand a host of disease burdens faced by Australia including cancer, neurodegenerative disorders, heart disease and mental illness.