The app is a HIPAA-compliant smartphone application that will walk patients step-by-step through the recovery process using live digital coaches
Singapore: AstraZeneca has teamed up with Vida health to launch a new app- 'Day-By-Day' for speedy recovery of heart attack patients, to cope up with the stress and trauma associated with such life-threatening experiences.
The app is an extension of Vida Health's current cloud-based smartphone app, and is launced through a trial program at Duke University. The app is a HIPAA-compliant smartphone application that will walk patients step-by-step through the recovery process using live digital coaches and educational materials, like videos, articles, and food journals, to help patients implement lifestyle changes and adhere to their new drug regimen.
Every year millions of people duffer from heart diseases and the app is expected to offer patients hands-on rehabilitation can by helping patients understand what medications to take when, how to change their eating habits or quit smoking, and how to slowly develop an exercise routine.
The app will also help AstraZeneca interact with patients "beyond the pill." Mr John McCarthy, vice president of global commercial excellence at AstraZeneca, added, "The science is the core of our business, but patients today are expecting more. We see that taking advantage of technology alongside the power of science is the best thing for patients. It's about extending the customer experience."