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BC Platforms drives data enablement to accelerate precision medicine in Asia

06 June 2022 | News

The company is focusing on partnerships with local and regional healthcare and research institutions

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Swiss firm BC Platforms (BCP) is hosting a key, day-long, Precision Medicine and Data Science Conference in Singapore on 7 June 2022 to discuss how stakeholders can securely collaborate and enable the use of federated data at scale to empower precision medicine, population health, and preventive care initiatives in the region.

The event features preeminent local and international experts from healthcare, government, and academia, including Professor Patrick Tan, Executive Director of the Genome Institute of Singapore, Associate Professor Neerja Karnani, BioInformatics Institute A*STAR and Dr Shay Ben-Shachar, Director of Precision Medicine and Genomics at Clalit Research Institute, Israel. It is part of BCP's efforts to support the growth of precision medicine activities in Asia Pacific.

The company had expanded its R&D operations in Singapore earlier this year and partnered with SingHealth, Singapore's largest public healthcare group. Parties aim to build a series of research projects and by doing so accelerate relevant clinical research with pressing targets on diseases prevalent in the Asian population, including but not limited to cancer and cardiovascular diseases. 

While BC Platforms has been active in Singapore since 2019, it plans to ramp up activities and continue to build its presence in the region as it continues to develop and deploy safe and secure infrastructure for healthcare data. The company is also focusing on partnerships with local and regional healthcare and research institutions to strengthen translational research capabilities in Asia Pacific and improve care outcomes for patients in the region.

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