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Thermo Fisher unveils CorEvitas pharmacovigilance platform for clinical research registries

20 December 2023 | News

To handle multiple data sources and streamline coding, classification and reporting of adverse events

Image credit: shutterstock

Image credit: shutterstock

US-based Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc has announced the launch of CorEvidence, a proprietary cloud-based data lake platform optimising pharmacovigilance case processing and safety data management processes.

The new platform enhances CorEvitas clinical research registries offered by Thermo Fisher's PPD clinical research business.

CorEvidence's first application supports enhanced pharmacovigilance workflow and deliverable management. It is designed to handle multiple data sources and streamline coding, classification and reporting of adverse events and safety events of interest for committed post-authorisation safety studies.

The platform supports a full range of pharmacovigilance deliverables with efficient, traceable, auditable, scalable and compliant safety management for customer safety commitments using data collected through CorEvitas syndicated registries.

Thermo Fisher acquired CorEvitas, a leading provider of gold-standard real-world evidence solutions, in August 2023. CorEvitas services include 12 registries, including nine autoimmune and inflammatory syndicated registries, and a data intelligence platform that builds and scales clinical registries across multiple therapeutic areas to gather structured patient clinical data spanning 400 investigator sites and over 100,000 patients followed longitudinally. The CorEvitas model is being leveraged to satisfy regulatory requirements for more than 15 long-term post-authorisation safety studies across eight disease indications.

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