Comprehensive cervical cancer vaccine program $384 per person
Singapore: Mr Sean Lien, the ruling Kuomintang's (KMT's) candidate for Taipei mayor, has urged the Taiwan government to offer free vaccines for cervical cancer to junior high school girls.
Cervical cancer is the most prevalent form of cancer among Taiwanese women. According to Mr Lien the issue of free vaccines will considerably lower cancer cases in Taiwan and will help in boosting healthcare.
His campaign team suggested in a news release that one-stop health care consulting windows must be set up at local hospitals and health centers. As per the Taipei City Hospital, a comprehensive cervical cancer vaccination program would cost about $384 per person. The vaccines are usually recommended for females aged 9 to 13, the hospital said.
Mr Lien also stated that a municipal budget will be allocated to build more female-friendly public facilities such as safer bathrooms and barrier-free sidewalks for baby carriages.