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Singapore kick-started its national Covid-19 vaccination programme on 30 Dec 2020, with a senior staff nurse who screens suspected COVID-19 cases at the National Centre for Infectious Diseases (NCID) with Pfizer-BioNTech jab. By the end of the day, 40 NCID staff members had received their injections, including Professor Leo Yee Sin, the centre’s executive director.
The remaining NCID staff will be progressively vaccinated, with the National Healthcare Group (NHG) management and staff starting in January.
The double dose vaccine jabs are to be given 21 days apart. All participants are requested to read and sign the vaccine information sheet and vaccine screening form. After receiving the vaccine, staff get a vaccination card and are observed for 30 minutes on site to ensure that they have tolerated the vaccine well. Public healthcare institutions and private hospitals are also waiting for their turn to be vaccinated. Singapore residents aged 70 and older will receive their jabs from February next year, followed by other Singaporeans and long-term residents who are medically eligible.
"Today we began COVID-19 vaccinations, with 30+ healthcare workers at the National Centre for Infectious Diseases. It marks a new chapter in our fight against the pandemic. In the coming weeks, the vaccine will be rolled out to more healthcare institutions. We will begin vaccinating the elderly from February. Thereafter we will do other Singaporeans and long-term residents who are eligible for vaccination." said, Prime minister Lee Hsein Loong.
As of 31 December 2020, Singapore MOH has preliminarily confirmed 5 new cases of locally transmitted COVID-19 infection. The cases are in the community.