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BMS to develop novel therapies for Parkinsons' disease

25 September 2012 | News | By BioSpectrum Bureau

BMS to develop novel therapies for Parkinsons' disease

Hope for Parkinson's patients: Bristol-Myers Squibb collaborates with Vanderbilt University

Hope for Parkinson's patients: Bristol-Myers Squibb collaborates with Vanderbilt University

Singapore: Vanderbilt University, US, and Bristol-Myers Squibb signed a collaboration agreement for the R&D and commercialization of novel therapies acting on the mGluR4 glutamate receptor, known as positive allosteric modulators or PAMs, for the treatment of Parkinson's disease.

Under the collaboration, the Vanderbilt Center for Neuroscience Drug Discovery (VCNDD) will identify drug candidates from its existing program, which obtained major support from the Michael J Fox Foundation for Parkinson's Research (MJFF). Bristol-Myers Squibb will have the right to develop and commercialize products resulting from the collaborative research program. Vanderbilt University will receive an upfront payment and multi-year research funding to continue to discover additional compounds.

"The long-term commitment of and collaboration with the MJFF were critical to advancing this program to the stage where it is now perfectly positioned to work closely with Bristol-Myers Squibb for further development," said Dr P Jeffrey Conn, director, VCNDD, and Dr Lee E Limbird, chair, pharmacology. "Partnering with Bristol-Myers Squibb is a real win for Vanderbilt and for Parkinson's patients."

"We all look forward to a productive collaboration with Bristol-Myers Squibb, which brings tremendous expertise and a strong commitment to advancing the program," added Dr Craig Lindsley, director, medicinal chemistry, VCNDD.

Dr Francis Cuss, senior vice president, research, Bristol-Myers Squibb, said that, "As part of our strategy, we continually seek to build relationships with organizations that have innovative programs and capabilities that complement our own internal efforts. We are thrilled to have the opportunity to work with the Vanderbilt Center for Neuroscience Drug Discovery's highly regarded scientists and laboratories to potentially find a way to help patients with Parkinson's disease."

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