Cannabics Pharmaceuticals Inc., a world leader in personalized cannabinoid medicine focused on cancer and its side effects, today announced that it has filed a provisional patent application with the US Patent office.
The patent covers the Company's technology that will enable the transfer of data from its proprietary personalization platform of cannabis strains and cancer to medical cannabis businesses worldwide and overcome the limitations of exporting and importing cannabinoid compounds due to regulation.
Dr. Eyal Ballan, Co-Founder and CTO, said: "The idea of creating a large database and translating it to the big variety of strains and compounds worldwide is our way to create standardization in a multifactorial drug like cannabis. It gives us the leverage to enjoy the beneficial facets of the entourage effect while building a matrix of logic behind compound ratios and dosages. We are currently looking for joint ventures that will exercise this ability and implement the technology to identify and create cannabis strains that target cancer."