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TWi appoints new CEO to boost US market

09 March 2015 | News | By BioSpectrum Bureau

TWi Pharmaceuticals has appointed Ms Tina Guilder as President and CEO

TWi Pharmaceuticals has appointed Ms Tina Guilder as president and CEO

TWi Pharmaceuticals has appointed Ms Tina Guilder as president and CEO

Singapore: Taiwan based TWi Pharmaceuticals has appointed Ms Tina Guilder as President and CEO and Ms Eva Ho as CFO to step up the US operation.

TWi Pharmaceuticals announced that Ms Guilder will also be the President of its wholly-owned subsidiary, TWi Pharmaceuticals USA and its president, Dr Calvin Chen, will become the Special Advisor to Ms Guilder and remain as the President of TWi Biotechnology, Inc. The appointment of Ms Guilder will be effective April 1, 2015. The Board has also decided to appoint Ms Eva Ho as TWi's Chief Financial Officer (CFO), effective March 9, 2015.

Since its inception, TWi has been focusing on high-barrier specialty generics, which are targeted for the US market. This core strategy was further emphasized by the establishment of its wholly-owned US subsidiary in 2014, which will sell and distribute products in TWi label directly in the US market. At the eve of its upcoming official product launch, the Board has decided to strengthen TWi's implementation of its business strategy with Ms Guilder's practical experience of managing commercial operations at Teva, to transform TWi into a leading specialty generic pharmaceutical company and successfully commercialize its products in the US.

Dr Chih-Ming Chen, Chairman of TWi Pharmaceuticals, "we are excited of the Board's appointment of Ms Tina Guilder as the new President and CEO of TWi. With Ms Guilder's extensive operational experience in the US generics market along with her expansive knowledge in market intelligence, regulatory affairs, and commercialization, she is the ideal leader to transform TWi into a world-class specialty generic pharmaceutical company. In addition, we are thrilled to see the Board's approval in the appointment of Ms Eva Ho as TWi's CFO.

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