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GSK receives European approval for expanded indication for Influenza Vaccine

16 February 2018 | News

Fluarix Tetra has also been approved to be concomitantly administered with pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccines in people aged 50 years and above

GSK has recently announced that the expanded indication for Fluarix Tetra (Quadrivalent Influenza Vaccine) has been approved in Europe to include adults and now children from six months of age for the prevention of influenza disease caused by the two influenza A virus subtypes and the two influenza B virus types contained in the vaccine.

Fluarix Tetra has also been approved to be concomitantly administered with pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccines in people aged 50 years and above.

Prior to this, the vaccine was approved for active immunisation against influenza A subtype viruses and type B viruses, in people three years of age and older.

Thomas Breuer, Chief Medical Officer, GSK Vaccines said, “Fluarix Tetra can help protect both healthy people and those who are more vulnerable from seasonal influenza and its complications. By expanding our indication for Fluarix Tetra in Europe, we can help ensure parents have the ability to help protect their children even earlier against the flu.”

With this approval, healthcare providers would be able to use the same dose of Fluarix Tetra (15 µg of hemagglutinin per virus strain in 0.5 mL) to cover all eligible people from six months of age and older.

Fluarix Tetra was first approved in 2013 in the European countries like Germany, France and UK, for the prevention of influenza disease in people three years of age and older. It is also currently approved in more than 30 other countries worldwide, and more than 100 million doses have been distributed since launch.

Fluarix Tetra is now indicated for active immunisation of adults and children from six months of age for the prevention of influenza disease caused by the two influenza A virus subtypes and the two influenza B virus types contained in the vaccine, in several countries, including EU and US.


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