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Asia Pacific is predicted to be the fastest growing market for synthetic biology from 2018 to 2025, driving increased demand for genome editing and gene synthesis technologies. To fulfill researchers' needs, Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., the world leader in serving science, is now offering its portfolio of Invitrogen GeneArt products and services in China.
Helge Bastian, vice president and general manager of synthetic biology at Thermo Fisher stated, “In response to the growing customer demand for more efficient, reliable gene synthesis and genome editing technologies, we are launching our line of GeneArt products in China. GeneArt products will not only enable our customers to continually enhance our understanding of how biology works, it will also help them accelerate the path from planning experiments to executing them in the lab."
With the Invitrogen GeneArt product line, researchers in China now have access to: Invitrogen GeneArt Gene Synthesis Service, GeneArt Strings DNA Fragments and Libraries, and GeneArt Genome Editing Tools.
"Thermo Fisher's GeneArt technology was integral in our research on insect resistance and molecular toxicology," said Yi-Hua Yang, professor at the College of Plant Protection, Nanjing Agricultural University. "The technology not only enabled us to knock out and validate a receptor for Bt toxins used in insect controls, we were also able to demonstrate that the CRISPR-Cas9 technique can act as a powerful and efficient genome editing tool to study gene function in a global agricultural pest."