The Secretary for Health, Professor Lo Chung-mau, met the Administrator of the National Disease Control and Prevention Administration (NDCPA), Wang Hesheng, and the Secretary for Social Affairs and Culture of the Macao Special Administrative Region (SAR) Government, Ao Ieong U, in Hong Kong, on September 2, and signed the Co-operation Agreement on Response Mechanism for Public Health Emergencies caused by Infectious Disease.
The agreement aims to strengthen co-operation and communication among the Mainland, the Hong Kong SAR (HKSAR) and the Macao SAR in tackling significant public health emergencies caused by infectious diseases.
Professor Lo said, "Collaboration among health agencies is crucial to the formulation of response strategies and control measures in relation to public health emergencies caused by infectious diseases. The HKSAR Government has been attaching great importance in maintaining close co-operation with the NDCPA and the Office of the Secretary for Social Affairs and Culture of the Macao SAR Government in safeguarding the well-being and safety of the public of various places during major infectious disease outbreaks in a practical manner, and maintaining social stability to sustain economic development."
According to the agreement, the scope of co-operation and communication among the Mainland, the HKSAR and the Macao SAR cover the notification of information regarding infectious diseases and mass infection with unknown cause diseases, co-ordinated efforts in emergency responses, as well as technical issues, training and scientific research on public health emergency responses to infectious diseases.
Professor Lo added, "The agreement will further step up the joint prevention and control efforts against infectious diseases among the Mainland, the HKSAR and the Macao SAR, thereby advancing the country's important strategy of 'Healthy China' through concerted efforts."