Image credit- Tzar Labs
Singapore based Tzar Labs, in collaboration with Indian firm Epigeneres Biotechnology, has developed a novel blood test to detect all cancer earlier than existing technologies.
Using the hybrid expression of an array of specific genes, the companies have developed an algorithm which can predictively indicate the distant occurrence of cancer in healthy individuals or relapse (in case of trated individuals)
The algorithm can also be extended to speculate the various stage of cancer (I, II, III, IV) based on the genetic mutation.
The technology can further provide primary and secondary locations of the lesions and also potential next organ targets. Further, it provides mutation data at an organ level without needing to do a invasive biopsy.
The test requires an individual's peripheral blood sample. Tzar Labs has filed a US patent for the novel diagnostic technology.
"HrC method is a novel breakthrough, non-invasive, blood-based diagnostic tool that can detect as well as classify solid tumors, hematological malignancies and sarcomas, based on their stage", said Ashish Tripathi, CEO,Tzar Labs, Singapore.