• A panel of industry experts will evaluate and rate each nomination based on the write-up and supporting documents submitted.

To be eligible for an award, the project/service/initiative must be either:

  • Launched over the last 24 calendar months
  • Launched prior to 24 calendar months but had recent innovations to improve the project/service/initiative

Jury Special

The nominations were received for the following categories. One winner has been selected in each of these categories by an international jury panel**.

  • Emerging startup of the year 2024
  • Entrepreneur of the year
  • Technology/ product of the year
  • Person of the year

Emerging startup of the year 2024

  • Year of Inception
  • Location
  • Domain- Biopharma/Pharma/Diagnositc/Medtech/Bioservices
  • Founders' details
  • Total team strength
  • Total funds raised since inception
  • Investors' details
  • Revenue generated since inception
  • Key highlights of CY 2023
  • Challenges faced in CY 2023

Entrepreneur of the year 2024

  • Strategic steps that make the company stand out in the crowd in the past two years
  • Imaginative business plan which should have innovative products and services
  • Business results achieved
  • Ability to raise funds
  • Ability to attract top human talent

Technology/ product of the year 2024

  • Revenue realizations from the product in CY 2023
  • Uniqueness
  • Degree of difficulty in creating the product
  • Import substitution
  • Export potential
  • Price competitiveness

Person of the year 2024

  • Organisation Performance in CY 2023
  • Role Beyond Company-
  • Key Projects in CY 2023
  • Global Initiatives
  • Influence on policy making/ Fostering Industry Harmony
  • Stature as a leader in Asia

Editors' Choice Special

The nominations were received for the following categories under the Editors' Choice Special Awards 2024-

  • Top company for bioprocessing
  • Top company in Manufacturing Technology and Equipment
  • Top company for API development
  • Top company for Analysis, Testing, and Quality Control
  • Top company in Packaging & Drug Delivery services
  • Top company in Supply Chain, Logistics, and Distribution
  • Top company in clinical research-based development
  • Top Innovation & Collaborations in ADC Drug Development
  • Excellence in MedTech Innovations
  • Innovative Space Solutions Awards
  • Innovative Biotech Solutions Award
  • Sustainability in Lab Water Solutions Award

Nomination criteria for each-

  • Achievements in CY 2023
  • Challenges faced & solved in CY 2023
  • Novelty/ Uniqueness added in CY 2023
  • Competitive advantage
  • Other efficiencies in CY 2023
  1. Go to the online nomination form.
    • Read the award entry guidelines and eligibility for your reference.
    • Fill out the company information and entrant details fields.
    • Choose the category you'd like to enter.
    • Provide project information: Project title, 500-word summary of the entry, and client testimonial/s (if any).
  2. You will then receive an email confirmation from the BioSpectrum Excellence Awards Organiser after your nomination has been received.
  3. To substantiate your entry, send supporting documents or photos to,
    • Supporting documents and photos must be in PDF, PowerPoint and/or JPG format
    • For supporting videos, or links must be provided.
  • 6th December, 2024


BioSpectrum Asia Excellence
Awards 2024

Ankit Kankar
General Manager- Strategy & Marketing

Speaker Opportunities:
Dr. Manbeena Chawla
Executive Editor

Partnership Opportunities:
Apoorva Mahajan
Manager- Strategy & Partnerships

Regional Inquires:
Saradha Mani
General Manager

Attendance & Event Inquires:
Vrushti Kothari
Asst. Manager- Audience & Events

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